Designing usable digital products by levaging my combined experience over the last 10 years in graphic design, branding, user-experience, user-interface and front-end development. I also like to make things out of wood and ride bikes.
Career Journey till date
Working as a frontend lead to develop and maintain enterprise resouce planning and human resource management software, Includes technology stack like react, redux
Worked as full stack developer. Developed and maintained a claim portal application to manage insurance claims for us based cosumer gorups, Includes technology stack like angular js, java, spring boot, mysql, selenium, queryDSL, JPA and hibernate
Worked as angular developer for Australian based company. Developed and maintained a health portal application application that deals with image scanning and upload the medical documents, Includes technology stack like angular, scss, ngrx, .net, postgresql
Worked as full stack developer. Maintained govenment portal site application like ( Developed and maintained a erp apps as well for private construction clients, Includes technology stack like react, java, spring boot, mysql
Started as a pet project with friend, worked as backend node js developer. Create apis to be consumed by andriod and ios mobile client, Includes technology stack like typescript, node, mysql, nginx
Doumentation and useful knowledge base for day to day development work.
SWR is a great package from Zeit to help make it easier to fetch remote data with hooks. It is based on the stale-while-revalidate RFC.
Instructions to install nexing loadbalancer in freshly installed linux/unix distro.
The reduce function of an array is one of the most versatile functions in JavaScript. With it you can accomplish a lot of the functions from array and math objects.
Preload zustand state with props data and sync props changes